
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

kitchen organization

So last week was approximately the worst week ever. Starting on Saturday (the same day we enjoyed some raw vegan food and gawking at Ben Folds at Pure Food and Wine and the dramatic stylings of the gorgeous and talented Paul Rudd in Grace), I came down with the worst sinus infection in history. Perhaps not human history, but my history, at the very least. Three days out of work (at a very bad time to be out of work, natch), and severe boredom set in. I couldn't do a darn thing. Except watch movies starring Hugh Grant. That I did with aplomb.

But this week I'm back. Not quite "better than ever," but back to my normal activities. On Saturday I came up with a whole apartment to do list that would give anyone chills. Calling the apartment disorganized is a bit of an understatement. It's a giant, world-consuming mess. I did not expect to get through the entire list in one weekend. I'm not Superman, nor am I my mother, who could totally get through it all because she may be Superman. I just wanted to get through one room. And for the most part, I did! It was the kitchen. And here's where my thought process went.

So our kitchen is sort of disorganized. We don't have a ton of cabinets, but we do have two microwave carts and one buffet-hutch-type-thing. Unfortunately, those are not quick doing the trick, and we just kind of jam things in places and hope for the best. No one ever knows where anything is. It's amazing.

In comes the shelving sale at the Container Store. I bought a few things for the bathroom last week, and they sent me a catalog with my order. And the catalog had these.
Ironically, months, even years ago, when the kitchen was on the top of my redecorating/reorganizing list, these shelves were the solution to all my problems. Ikea has something similar, much cheaper, which appeared alluring once upon a time. Husband was not really feeling it, so we focused on things we could agree on, like the living room.  Now that's just about done (if Ikea decides to continue producing the great bookshelf I would like to buy a duplicate of, we'll be finito shortly), my focus returns to the kitchen. With hints of bedroom, but that's another place, another time.

Here's the thing about Ikea. I'm swinging to the hate side of my love/hate pendulum for the Swedish masters. Our last trip there was the usual nightmare, rife with stress, arguments, and not having measured the length of a wall and buying a desk that might turn out to be longer than the wall we intended to put it on. It wasn't, by the way. The Ikea gods were obviously looking down on us.

And the Container Store shelving, while more pricy, promised to hold up to 500 pounds. Per shelf. I have no intentions of putting 500-pound items on my shelves, but Ikea makes no such promises. And I think my Kitchenaid standing mixer is about 400 pounds. And it has all these fun components! Accessories for shelves?  Now we're talking. Drawers, hooks, wine racks? I'm in heaven.

So, a bunch of money on the credit card later, our fancy shelves will be delivered on Sunday, and we will have a lot of Amtrak miles. I'm excited for the open, airy look, and hoping the open shelves (rather than cabinets) will force us to be more organized. We really put a lot of thought into what we would put on the shelves, how we would use them, and what accessories we wanted, so I hope we've made a good investment. And we can always buy more shelves and accessories, which is kind of fantastic, should our needs change.  They look relatively simple to put together--no enormous piles of screws!--and if we ever move and don't have room for them/have more actual cabinets, they'll break down easily to be stored.

Yeah, I'm sold.  I need to invest in a few more baskets or bins to put loose items in, and perhaps make my dream of shelves of mason jars full of beans a reality. Because my bean collection should be on display.

Of note: Husband did not make homemade seitan yet. I was too sick for seitan, and then this weekend I was so excited not to be deathly ill that I insisted on making other things. But I put nutritional yeast on my cereal this morning and it was amazing.

1 comment:

Shira said...

I think you made the right choice - go with quality! IMO Ikea is alright for decorative or smaller type items - like pillows/vases/towel racks etc., but their furniture is either cheaply made or too expensive for what it is. I'm a big fan of Mason jars on display too. And nutritional yeast is awesome!