
Saturday, October 30, 2010

the one about strawberries

This post is dedicated to my sistah. She knows who she is.

I frequently have bizarre dreams. No doubt they will help me to become famous on the internet. Here's a classic example.

(Note: It has been years since I had this dream. I may elaborate. A lot.)

I dreamed--(Note 2: "Dreamt" is not a word. As odd as "dreamed" looks, it's the word.)--I had entered a public restroom for the use that public restrooms are intended.  I opened the stall, and to my dismay, I found that the toilet was filled with strawberries.

And apparently this was a normal occurrence in the dream, because my response was, "Aw crap. Not strawberries again." Again. As though it wasn't the first time I had found the toilet filled with strawberries.  It seemed as frequent as finding the toilet paper empty, other other such public restroom mishaps.

Nope. Full of strawberries.

Like this:

This dream became something of an inside joke with us. I would love to find the original e-mail I sent her that detailed the dream, because I'm sure it was fascinating, but I must have done an email purge at some point, and that is to my detriment.

I do still have the above diagram, which I made shortly after. Because a toilet full of strawberries is impossible to describe. It must be drawn. Otherwise no one would understand the horror that is a toilet full of strawberries. You might imagine something much grosser. Strawberries are red, after all. The drawing makes it better, as you can see. It also properly describes the depth of the strawberries. Full. Brimming. Overflowing, really. Nothing else, just strawberries.

And that is how the epithet, "Aw crap. Not strawberries again." became something that I say.

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